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At each point of the compass: river, sewage, abbey, prison. And between: reclaimed marshland, freshwater lagoons; travellers and their horses; a deserted driving range; flood barriers, pontoons, piers; dereliction, industrial past and retail present; ennui, dead ends, compromise - shared ownership/buy to let/betrayal; overgrown walkways; halfnuts; sudden laughter; boating lake; social club; Sunday congregation; distant woodland, ridge line, sharks teeth; dual carriageway, no pavement, waiting for a bus, walking; barratt home labyrinth; low tide, mud flats, silver light, tidal detritus, undergrowth, freighters, barges; north shore landfill; kids throwing stones at cars; night time drives, fear and tears; dad in the passenger seat, memories of years and years ago, walking the dog, over the flats to the river, middle class wanker; sailing; for Jackie who deserved better; drizzle; flight path; birds;