Kobe ~ Made of Water
Unassuming and gentle
and deceptively simple (intricacy revealed through familiarity).
Languid and contemplative: taking slow, deliberate steps.
Drops of water, woodblock rhythm, English sung as a second language.
Acoustic instruments woven seamlessly with synthetic sounds.
Pauses, echoes and eddies of sound like wafts of sonic incense;
Chiming of prayer gongs, acoustic guitar notes;
Languorous, limpid and inviting.
The sort of music that could seep into your marrow, become a part of you. Closest neighbour might be Sufi’s Life’s Rising.
Languid and contemplative: taking slow, deliberate steps.
Drops of water, woodblock rhythm, English sung as a second language.
Acoustic instruments woven seamlessly with synthetic sounds.
Pauses, echoes and eddies of sound like wafts of sonic incense;
Chiming of prayer gongs, acoustic guitar notes;
Languorous, limpid and inviting.
The sort of music that could seep into your marrow, become a part of you. Closest neighbour might be Sufi’s Life’s Rising.
Colin Buttimer
March 2003