Triosk ~ Moment Returns
Triosk are an Australian
trio who first came to notice for their collaboration with electronica artist
Jan Jelinek. Their stated remit is to explore the interstices between jazz
improvisation and the structures and textures of electronica. Moment Returns’
tone poems represent a picking up of the thread first sewn by Thelonious Monk
on Round Midnight. Klumpes resists the traditional role of soloist, instead
opting to create melodic figures and act as rhythmachine alongside Waples
and Pike. A few of the tracks serve as (p)reconfigurings of their work with
Jelinek, although this time round they’ve allowed a greater residue
of jazz to remain and consequently there’s more space for them to explore
as players. Though in some ways very different, Triosk are as innovative and
as intriguing as their compatriots The Necks. Moment Returns is dark, fertile
loam out of which - by rights - many bright green shoots should appear.
Colin Buttimer
August 2004