Nils Petter Molvær
Cargo, 10 September 2004
The Norwegian trumpeter
is in town for a one-off concert in support of his new live album, Streamer.
He and his group begin playing an hour before midnight. It’s dark and
packed in this club space normally devoted to djs and dancing - which is surely
Molvaer’s reason for choosing this venue. The band take a couple of
minutes to find their levels, necessary because this is very much an electronic,
post-Miles Davis outfit which includes Jan Bang and DJ Strangefruit on samples
and effects, Eivind Aarset on guitar and Rune Arnesen on drums. Once the sound’s
sorted, the beat quickly builds to a four to the floor monster over which
Molvaer traces luminous tracer arcs and mournful squiggles. Meanwhile Bang
tweaks his equipment and strikes brief, angular poses like a modern-day pharaoh,
and Aarset wrings out guitar squalls, his face obscured by trademark blonde
locks. By the end of the track some of the audience are already dancing. There’s
a brief ambient lull and then the beats kick in again, louder and more forceful
than ever. It’s difficult not to surrender to the sheer volume and drive
of this music which comes on like a technologised warhorse intent on carrying
its audience to Valhalla. Molvaer and Aarset begin to spar and the sound is
like a fight to the death between two angry, wounded animals. Apart from a
couple of quieter interludes which act as necessary contrast, the evening
is devoted to slamming rhythms simultaneously heated by Molvaer’s gulf
stream blasts, mangled by Aarset’s firestorm guitar and corroded and
enlivened by Bang’s and Strangefruit’s soundscaping. The evening
reveals once again the glorious live dynamic that’s all too often smoothed
away by the home-listening oriented productions on Molvaer’s commercial
releases. This is music felt in the gut: Molvaer suddenly makes utter, convincing
Colin Buttimer
Published by Jazzwise magazine