about the author...

I'm a final year undergraduate at Middlesex University (may they one day at least acknowledge the campus as being successor to Hornsey School of Art); for my sins I specialised in Fine Art. I began college, aged 27, pretty much obsessed with making boxes (predominantly matt white affairs covered in muslin and containing intentionally mundane objects such as cutlery, light bulbs, etc; they were often glass fronted and lit from within - I still have a soft spot for some of them!

I began to get interested in using computers half way through my first year and some of the results can be seen by clicking the icon below:

- this was my first stab at making a 'net site and it really shows, but I guess everybody has to start somewhere and before I finish this course I hope to completely remodel it.

thank you to the Middlesex computer center staff - Andy, Russell, Biz and Sanjeev. I would also like to thank Elizabeth Wheeler; her essay "Bulldozing The Subject" was a real pleasure to read in terms of writing style, content and commitment to her subject. Thank you. It can be found in the 'net journal 'Postmodern Culture' - unfortunately I don't have the specific address, but the foregoing will take you to the index of issues, her essay can be found in May 1993's edition. I'd also recommend "Evocations of Empire in a Transnational Corporate Age: Tracking the Sign of Saturn' by Dion Dennis (January 1995) and "Revolting Yet Conserved: Family Noir in 'Blue Velvet' and 'Terminator 2'" by Fred Pfeil (May 1992) as being fine critiques of their respective subjects. Also thanks to UK Wired for being such an excellent way of keeping up to date with the digital scene. And, finally, thank you Dr Roget for your marvellous thesaurus.